Service charter
The Service Charter describes the quality of the electronic communication services (the "Service") provided by Qsistemi Italia and the transparency in the provision of the Service to users in accordance with the Directive of the President of the Council of Ministers of January 27, 1994, relating to the "Principles on the provision of public services ", Resolution no. 179/03 / CSP of 24 July 2003, concerning the approval of the general directive on quality and charters for electronic communications services pursuant to art. 1, paragraph 6, letter b), number 2, and, as far as applicable to the services offered, of Law no. 249 and Resolution no. 254/04 / CSP of December 17, 2004, approving the general directive on the quality and charters of fixed voice telephony services pursuant to article 1, paragraph 6, lett. b), 2, of the law 31 July 1997, n. 249 and Resolution 131/06 / CSP on the subject of quality and cards for internet access services from a fixed location. This document illustrates the fundamental principles adopted in the provision of services, the qualitative parameters of the same, the evaluation tools and the procedures for information, participation and presentation of complaints by customers.
The Service Charter (hereinafter, for the sake of brevity, the "Charter") is binding for Qsistemi Italia towards customers and will be expressly referred to in disputes with the latter.
In contracts with consumers, the provisions of articles 1469-bis and following of the civil code apply.
Qsistemi Italia submits this document to the Communications Authority (hereinafter, for brevity, "Authority"), so that it can assess its adequacy pursuant to art. 1, paragraph 6, lett. b, n. 2 of the Law of 31 July 1997, n. 249.
The Charter will be updated periodically, in consideration of the evolution of technologies and of the company organization as well as of the indications provided by customers.
In accordance with Resolution no. 179/03 / CSP of 24 July 2003, Qsistemi Italia will inform the Authority and users of subsequent changes and additions to the Service Charter at least 30 days in advance of its application.